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Oscar Llorens, born in 1975 in Madrid, Spain, initially studied business administration and worked as an illustrator for various advertising companies and magazines. However, he felt a deep need to explore his creativity in a more personal way. Inspired by childhood nostalgia, Llorens began creating art that reflects his most profound memories, with colorful characters and everyday scenes that bring us closer to the most important years of our lives. His style is vibrant, joyful, and full of details, inviting viewers to explore every corner of his work.

The artist believes childhood emotions are powerful enough to leave us breathless, whether joy is ecstatic, sadness heartbreaking, or fear paralyzing. As children, we are vulnerable and rely on others for emotional and physical needs, so our early memories are filled with connections, security, and belonging.

Llorens uses wood panel cotton paper, pastels, and colored pencils to express these nostalgic feelings, creating soft, blurred, and warm textures. His lines are dreamlike, with faint borders, as if wiping away distant dreams.

As we grow older, emotions become more subtle and complex, but nostalgia often accompanies us through adulthood. It can appear in various forms, from sadness to happiness, warmth to melancholy, but it always serves as a reminder that time is passing, and we will never be as young or innocent as we once were.

“When we were children, sometimes we hid behind the masks of fantasy and play, exploring the world with innocent hearts. In that moment, we could be anyone we wanted.”

Nostalgia can be a powerful force, bringing us back to cherished and painful memories. It allows us to relive joyful moments and the happiness of sharing time with loved ones, yet it also brings deep sadness, reminding us that life is fleeting and we can never reclaim what is lost. However, nostalgia can also be an inspiring force, reminding us of how much we have lived and how much remains to be lived.

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